Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My thoughts on Samantha Brick...

An article that I read yesterday on the Daily Mail website really has kicked up a fuss. And, quite frankly, I'm not surprised. The stir surrounds a woman named Samantha Brick and an article she wrote titled-

''There are downsides to looking this pretty.' Why women hate me for being beautiful''.

I clicked the link and scrolled down to see her picture. I was undoubtedly expecting a stereotypical blonde bombshell with a figure to die for and the face of an angel. I was simply shocked at what I saw. Yes, she was blonde, with a good figure for her age, but just not what I was expecting.

It would be unfair to describe Samantha Brick as 'ugly' as some have said, however, she is distinctly average. She's just a woman. A woman similar to most other women, a woman similar to myself. She is a woman that I walk past on the street every single day, without a second glance. Because, realistically, why would I, or anybody else, give her a second glance? She's just, well, normal?

The article has racked up thousands of comments and Samantha Brick was trending on Twitter worldwide. People have become so obsessed with her and engrossed in her story. But, it seems that the majority of comments she has received are negative. So why is that?

Firstly, I think the reason for this backlash is because, quite frankly, most people are seeing what I'm seeing, an average, 40 odd year old woman.

As she described the free bottles of wine and champagne she has had thrown at her and the bunches of flowers and free taxi journeys she has received due to her "pleasing appearance and pretty smile" it's hard to stop yourself from wondering where the hell she found these men?! She isn't, as far as can see, the kind of woman I would expect men to fall at the feet of. But then again, maybe these men can see something different to myself.

Us girls always have insecurities and so it's, quite frankly, irritating when we have to listen to someone talk about how good looking they are and make a vain attempt to try to make us feel inferior. Samantha Brick seems to be trying to do just that, wanting sympathy for being SO BEAUTIFUL?! When, in reality, I'm pretty sure that, if you were up against Samantha Brick in a job interview, you wouldn't feel intimidated, no matter how insecure you were about yourself.

Confidence in a woman is attractive, not just to men but to us women as well. Look at Beyonce. She's a beautiful, talented, strong and independent woman. And yet women love her!!! We aspire to be like her. Why? Because she's not arrogant.

Samantha Brick describes how she is the "first to compliment other women" and doesn't understand why people aren't complimenting her. The answer is simple. There's a fine line between confidence and arrogance and Samantha Brick leapt and sprinted one million metres past that line.

An arrogant women is something that other women don't take to very kindly. And, I think that this arrogance is the main reason why women find her ugly.

I honestly found the article rather embarrassing and cringed again and again the more that I read. One quote that really stuck out was-

"...there are downsides to being pretty — the main one being that other women hate me for no other reason than my lovely looks."

Even if Kate Moss, Angelina Jolie or Cheryl Cole said those words I would be sickened. It's such an awful and arrogant statement to make. And, if she walks around the office with her nose held so high in the air then I'm not surprised that women don't like her. It's not because they're jealous, or because they think she's going to run off with their man, it's because women cannot stand other women who have their head so far up their own arse.

In the article Samantha Brick wrote today, she responds to the negative comments by saying that they "prove her point". Yes, because thousands of women all over the world are simply jealous of her?

It is very important to compliment your girlfriends and make them feel good about themselves and I am 100% for sticking by the girls. But, in this instance, I feel she's let us females down.

I am positive that Samantha Brick has had problems with women in her life because, if she is the person that she comes across in her writing, she is unapproachable and self centred. She is someone who I would find very hard to be friends with if I was always made to feel as though she was so much better than myself.

It's not about how good looking a person is or how many free bottles of champagne they can get, it's about the person that you are inside. And, attractive or not, a good, kind hearted, hard working and genuine woman will get promotions, good friends and a nice man at the end of it all, despite the occasional cow they may face along the way.


  1. Fab article. Particularly '...attractive or not, a good, kind hearted, hard working and genuine woman will get promotions, good friends and a nice man at the end of it all...' That is so true, and poor Samantha will probably never catch onto that fact. She is one discontented woman, a person to pity not ridicule.

    1. Thankyou so much to the three of you for the comments on my post, it really does make me so happy to know that you've enjoyed reading my piece as much as I enjoyed writing it! And, more than anything, your comments have motivated me to keep on writing :)

  2. Brilliant article. You've completely hit the nail on it's head. It's the arrogance that make us dislike her, not her looks.

    1. Thankyou so much to the three of you for the comments on my post, it really does make me so happy to know that you've enjoyed reading my piece as much as I enjoyed writing it! And, more than anything, your comments have motivated me to keep on writing :)

  3. Stumbled upon this article somehow, completely by accident, but have to say it's brilliant! Of course Samantha Brick was always going to get ridiculed for what she wrote, but I'm against all those that are criticising her by calling her 'ugly'. That's not the crux of the matter, as you stress so well. The problem lies with her arrogance, and how she can't recognise that it's because of this that people are taking issue with her. I'm male and so some of the things that you've outlined would never have crossed my mind - you make some interesting points.

    Good luck with your journalism degree, it would be nice to see better discussions like this one gracing our newspapers, instead of the trash Ms Brick (among others) supply.

    1. Thankyou so much for the comments on my post, it really does make me so happy to know that you've enjoyed reading my piece as much as I enjoyed writing it! And, more than anything, your comments have motivated me to keep on writing :)

  4. Hi Sasha,

    I was directed here from your Twitter mention. I think your article is very well written and really made me want to write a response in defence of my own opinion, which is a clear sign of good opinion story. This ability will obviously stand to you in the career path you have chosen.

    I would love if I could share some constructive critisism with you, from meyself; Simply to help you out regarding your blog. I just think it can be tidied up a bit. Obviously keep your own stamp on it but the colours, fonts and punctuation vary quite a lot and can be vary loud at times. I just think you could drive more traffic here and keep it here if it were more 'serious' for the sake of a better word. I don't mean take away the 'girliness', because it appears to me that this is a part of who you are, which is great. I would just love to be able to come back here and see a well structured blog because I enjoyed the article and look forward to reading more as I am a huge blog fan (The reason I chose to offer my critique) and surf the net looking for new ones all the time. Also I would love other people to be able to enjoy your blog (I just couldn't see a grown man appreciating the lips in the bacground)

    I hope you don't take offence to this as I would just love more people to be able to experience your writing.

    Thanks for your tweet and thanks for a wonderful article,
    Andrew, Dublin

    P.S. Also a great tip for any blogger - I know it can be hard with the all-time consuming degree to focus on but try to blog more it really does help with traffic numbers!

  5. Great article and really well written! I think she has just rubbed a lot of people up the wrong way basically saying that the whole female population are a bunch of backstabbing bitches. When I read it I also wondered where these men had come from! XxxX
